If you have a damaged ceiling panel, you don't need to replace the whole ceiling. You can piece or replace the spoiled panel. There are two types of manufactured home ceiling panels: fiberboard and textured gypsum wallboard. The wallboard is more widely available. (Be sure to fix the problem that caused the damaged panel before replacing it. See our section called "Mobile home repairs: Drafts and leaks.")
Here are some tips:
Gypsum wallboard panel(s), 1 x 2 inch finished molding, rosettes, battens, 1 ¼ inch drywall screws, measuring tape, utility knife, straightedge, screwdriver or drill.
If there is a ceiling fan or light, turn off power to the work area and remove the fixture.
Pry off the batten and molding strip holding the damaged panel from the next panel. If there are rosettes fastening the panel to the roof truss, remove them.
Determine how much of the panel needs to be removed. Find the roof truss (these are spaced every 1 to 2 feet) and measure from the center of the truss to the wall. Or measure the full length, if you are removing the whole panel. With a utility knife and straightedge, cut new panel(s) to fit.
Using a utility knife and straightedge, cut the ceiling panel along the wall edges. Remove nails, staples or screws holding the panel to the roof truss. To remove less than a full panel, make your cut along the center of the truss.
Pull remaining nails and staples from the exposed roof trusses. The surface must be free of any protrusions or the new panel may bulge.
Lift panel in place and secure the edge to the roof truss with 1 ¼ inch drywall screws. Secure to truss along wall edge as well.
To keep the panel from buckling in the middle, add a screw with a rosette every 18 inches along the center of roof trusses.
Attach battens between ceiling panels to cover the joints. Add molding along the wall edges.